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Health Shouldn't be Hard
Let's Keep it Simple
Friends Eating Dinner

5+ Years of Empowering 100s of Health Journeys

​Start Your Journey Today

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Associate Registered Nutritionist (AfN)

As an Associate Registered Nutritionist (AfN), I am committed to upholding the highest standards in evidence-based nutrition. This registration ensures that my guidance is rooted in trusted science and delivered with professional integrity, helping you achieve your health goals with confidence.

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Beginners guide to intuitive eating 

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Our Clients Say

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"Satyam’s intuitive eating approach transformed my relationship with food. His support helped me let go of restrictive diets, trust my body, and embrace body positivity. I now feel more empowered, confident, and healthier than ever!"

Smriti Khurana

Software Devloper, Gurugram Delhi NCR 

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